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Research /Analysis


PR Management, Philosophy & Ethics

Presented with the issue of a smaller academic department often overshadowed by similar departments, and with the goal of increasing awareness and student population size of Biola University's Media, Journalism and Public Relations (MJPR) department, my team and I created an intensive PR plan with specific strategies and tactics based off of in-depth research we conducted. We pitched this campaign to one of the heads of the program.


I completed the quantitative and qualitative research â€‹that guided this project, as well as then forming the evaluation that would determine its level of success.


This project was a competition between the groups in the class given the same issue, and my group won with the best campaign.


Public Relations & Journalism Research

Tasked with conducting research on a topic involving PR that demonstrated a need for research and that I was passionate about, I conducted formal, quantitative research to analyze trends and identify areas of improvement in a topic. This study analyzes the perceptions of adult, gen-z females towards the authenticity of makeup brands that launch racially inclusive campaigns. It also addresses their opinions on corporate social responsibility and their feelings of representation according to race.

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